Did you know the average person walks 177,000 kilometres in a lifetime? That is the same as 5 trips around the Earth!!!! So, it’s therefore pretty important to have our feet working properly right?!!
The human body is designed to have our pelvis, ribcage and head sitting in perfect alignment. Our feet are our entire body’s foundation, allowing for support, balance and movement.
Unfortunately, in today’s modern world, 99% of all people have feet that are pronated, or roll inwards. This is turn creates stress and imbalance to other parts of the body, and can lead to problems with our knees, hips, pelvis, lower back and even our neck.
When your feet are pronated, the soft tissues of the foot will stretch over time, causing fallen arches. This can sometimes lead to pain and discomfort in the sole of the foot, and inflammation known as plantar fasciitis. Furthermore, pronation means that your feet cannot perform optimally. This can result in pain, underperformance and injury.
In short, if your feet are not functioning properly, the alignment of your entire body will be distorted. Posture and spinal mobility will be affected and can lead to chronic lower back and neck pain.
A simple physical assessment including a foot scan can detect problems with your feet that may be contributing to pain and dysfunction in other parts of your body. If you suspect you may have issues with your feet, or if you are interested in having your feet assessed, please contact us to book in for a foot scan assessment.
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